Hints and tips


How to squeeze/rinse the sponge

The natural plant fibres are delicate and will break down over time. To get the best life from your sponge, simply squeeze it between your hands in a slow clapping movement to protect the individual fibres. Never wring it out or scrunch, as this will break down the fibres and reduce the life of the sponge.

Storing your sponge

Always rinse your sponge clean after use and remove any excess water, with the gentle clapping motion, before hanging in a well-ventilated area to air dry. Leaving your sponge waterlogged will dramatically shorten its life.

Sterilising your sponge

Every 1-2 weeks, soak the sponge in VERY HOT water for 5 minutes to clean and disinfect. Then simply squeeze out excess water and hang dry as usual. You can even use the microwave to do this. Personally, I like to make this my weekly sponge and tea time. I boil the kettle and pour boiling water over the sponge while it sits in a bowl. I then pour myself a cup of herbal tea and let both rest for 5 minutes. Once my sponge is clean, I have a beautifully hydrating cuppa waiting for me. You could even use these 5 minutes for a meditation.

A hint for the guys

Use the sponge AFTER you’ve shaved to help avoid ingrown hairs. Note that regrowth stubble can affect your sponge's life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a sponge to remove my makeup?

Yes you can. Many people rave about the performance of these sponges in removing makeup. You may not find you have to use a cleanser on your sponge with water-based makeup, but I recommend using a cleanser with regular oil-based makeup. What I love is that you don't have to use nearly as much cleanser. This means that your skin will feel clean but not stripped, which is always a good thing.

My sponge has dried out between uses – what do I do?

These natural fibre sponges can dry out between uses, depending on environmental conditions, e.g. weather, bathroom steam, use of heating/air conditioning, etc. I find on some days they are dehydrated, other days almost as I left them - this is completely normal. Simply re-hydrate the sponge under warm running water before using again.

Can I throw out my sponge after its useful life?

You can, but what a waste!! Did you know you can put used sponges into your compost or worm farm? Being 100% natural, sponges breakdown beautifully. But the BEST thing to do with your leftover sponges is to chop them up and add them to your garden or potted plants. The leftover sponges will act like rain saver crystals. They swell with water while breaking down.

When will my sponge start to disintegrate?

Sponges normally start to break down after 6-12 weeks of everyday use. Make sure your sponge is hung up in a well-ventilated area, and remember not to scrunch your sponge – to get the best life out of it.

Can I use a cleanser with my sponge?

Of course you can. I do. I’ve found you don't need to use a cleanser, so if you have sensitive skin, you can just use water. However, the sponges work brilliantly with a cleanser, and you may even find that you don't need to use as much, and you’ll have a better clean with less irritation.